Researchers Found Rosemary Oil Was As Effective At Promoting Hair Growth As Rogaine

Researchers have found that rosemary oil is as effective at encouraging hair regrowth as minoxidil, a medication better known as Rogaine.

Using rosemary oil instead of minoxidil also led to fewer issues with itchy scalp at the three-month and six-month check-ins.

The 2015 study built on findings from 2013 and 2010 that hinted at rosemary’s potential to combat hair loss.

So, why does rosemary help with hair growth? Much of the credit goes to carnosic acid, a phenolic chemical compound in the plant. Carnosic acid carries anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help rejuvenate damaged nerves and tissue in your body. Applying it to your scalp creates an environment where your hair can thrive.

Aside from promoting a hair growth spurt, rosemary oil has been linked to hair benefits such as: dandruff control; improved scalp circulation; reduced inflammation; improved flow of nutrients through cell membranes; increased thickness of hair shafts; increased hair follicle size; improved immune system function; improved circulation throughout the scalp (which helps reduce dryness); slowed cell aging (which is linked to slower hair graying).

To use simply apply to your scalp (diluted 10 drops Rosemary to 20mls water or carrier oil), leave on for at least an hour (ideally overnight). Use 2-3 times a week. Be patient, this may take 3-5 months before you notice a real difference. Do not use fragrance products this will irritate the scalp. Be sure to use our PURE Rosemary Essential Oil if you want to get results. 

Do not use if pregnant. Not suitable for sufferers of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) or Epilepsy.

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