

We do not recommend essential oils are used on cats.  Pure essential oil hydrosols/ aromatherapy waters can be used.Essential oils...
We do not recommend essential oils are used on cats.  Pure essential oil hydrosols/ aromatherapy waters can be used.Essential oils can be used to deter cats from your property and/or stop them scratching furniture. We recommend Lemongrass and/or Citronella are used. Spray around entrance to your house or onto furniture (spot check first to ensure no staining).
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General Pet care

Safety Tips - Animal Aromatherapy
See our Pet Vet Animal Range for ready to use animal products, or see below to make your own therapeutic animal remedies. Safety Tips - Animal Aromatherapy 1. Always dilute when using topically. Don’t assume the same dosage as for humans. Animals have a better sense of smell than humans. For example, humans have approximately 40-45 million scent receptors, dogs average 200 million! Also, take into account the size of the animal—generally smaller animals need less essential oils.2. Cats are highly...
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